The European Union has expressed concern over Sri Lanka's move to block certain anti-government websites, days after the US demanded that Colombo respect freedom of expression."The EU considers that freedom of press forms is an integral part of any democratic system. The EU therefore believes that the media should be allowed to operate independently," an official statement by EU heads of diplomatic missions here, said.The Sri Lankan ministry of media had on Saturday ordered news websites publishing reports about Sri Lanka to obtain accreditation from the information department.
Over the last two days several websites have been blocked including, which is said to be Opposition UNP''s official website.The Ministry of Mass Media and Information had said it was "receiving many complaints from various individuals who have been subjected to defamation and character assassination by certain reports published in several websites".The President, ministers, and senior public officials have come under attacks and deliberate character assassination campaigns in such reports, it added.Sri Lanka has already blocked anti-government websites .The US embassy had this week said that freedom of expression, including unfettered access to Internet news websites, was a basic right which must be respected by Sri Lankan authorities. (PTI)
නිදහස් මධ්යයේ අයිතීන්ට ගරු කරන ලෙස යුරෝපා සංගමය සිටීයි.
ශ්රී ලංකාව පිළිබඳව ප්රවෘත්ති සපයන වෙබ් අඩවි අවහිර කිරීම සම්බන්දයෙන් තමන් දැඩි කණස්සල්ලට පත්ව සිටින බව එම කාරයාලය නිවේදනයක් නිකුත් කරමින් කියා සිටයි. ප්රජාතන්ත්රවාදී ක්රමයක් තුල නිදහස් මාධ්යයන්ට ගරු කල යුතු බවත් එහි සඳහන්ව ඇත.
මාධ්ය විසින් ලබාදෙන තොරතුරු සියල්ලම ජනතාවට ලැබිය යුතු බවට යුරෝපා සංගමය විශ්වාස කරන බවත්, ඒ සම්බන්දයෙන් නිගමනයට එළැබීමට ඔවුනට නිදහස තිබිය යුතු බවත් එහි සඳහන් වේ.
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