Bollywood Badsha Shah Rukh Khan has bagged a prestigious honour which is reported to be never received before by any Indian celebrity. He is flying high for his recent blockbuster 'Ra.One', was honoured by the UNESCO for his engagements in charity and social institutions that are working for providing education to children.
Shah Rukh received a special award at the 20th UNESCO Awards ceremony held at Maritim Hotel on November 20 in Duesseldorf, Germany.
"Gala at Dusseldorf. The UNESCO award is called Pyramide con Marni and I am super excited cos education for kids is most dear cause to me," SRK tweeted.
The actor is the first Indian to have been honoured with the Pyramide con Marni award. Earlier, Dalai Lama, Queen Noor of Jordan, Helen Mirren and Lionel Ritchie are the big personalities, who had received the award.
Along with SRK, eminent international personalities including Jet Li, Naomi Campbell, Vladislav Doronin, Mikhail Gorbacheva, Chris de Burgh and Rosanna Davison had attended the ceremony.
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